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Fraud, Chargeback and Refund policy

Fraud policy

We rely on fraud protection from our payment providers and use their tools to issue refunds to any affected accounts. All payments deemed fraudulent are refunded and the payment method is blocked from further purchases.

External reports of fraud via other communications than our payment providers are handled by our customer support either via phone, e-mail or our contact form. If the case is deemed fraudulent or even suspected to be fraudulent we issue a refund and block the payment method from further purchases.

Refund and chargeback policy

Refunds can be requested via phone, e-mail or our contact form. Cases are handled by our customer support. Refunds are as a general rule issued if the customer did not get what they paid for, for example (but not limited to) due to technical difficulties or other access issues. Refunds and chargebacks are also issued in cases of fraud described above.

Complaints and appeals

We have a customer support team handles complaints that we receive, either via phone, e-mail or our contact form on the platform itself. General complaints regarding content not matching expectations, technical issues etc will be handled within 7 business days. Complaints regarding fraud, stolen credentials etc will be handled within 24 hours.

TM + © Scandalbeauties.com, Amigo Media AB, Eskilstunavägen 34, 64430, Torshalla, Sweden. All rights reserved