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Anti-Slavery Policy

Our Commitment

Amigo Media stands against all forms of modern slavery and human trafficking. Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labor and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.

We are committed to acting with integrity and mitigating the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business dealings and relationships with our creators. We are also committed to treating all employees with respect and dignity, ensuring safe working conditions, and conducting environmentally responsible and ethical operations.

Our Policies

Amigo Media is committed to taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to ensure that there are no modern slavery or human trafficking activities taking place on our platforms.

  • Our Terms of Service for creators specifically prohibit the uploading, posting, displaying or publishing of content on our platforms that:
  • Shows any content of any other individual unless written consent is obtained.
  • Shows, promotes, advertises or refers to escort services, sex trafficking or prostitution.
  • We train our monitoring staff continuously to act with integrity and to exercise good judgment and common sense in their efforts to comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations, including in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking.

Our Risk Assessment

We continually assess modern slavery and human trafficking risks in our business environment through identifying and analyzing higher-risk areas of our business. Our assessment is based on external reports and standards, and country and sector risk profiles, and we adjust our processes and controls, as appropriate, based on changing risks.

Creator Verification.
We carefully check all identity and payment details for each creator account application to ensure that individuals can only make an account on their own behalf. We specifically check for any discrepancies between identity documents and the legal name provided on payment methods, and employ technological safeguards to prevent creator payment details from being changed by the user. This is to ensure the creator is receiving payments directly from Amigo Media.

Content Moderation. In order to prevent and detect harm, we monitor all media uploaded to the platform and remove, and report where necessary, any content that facilitates or coordinates the exploitation of people, including modern slavery and human trafficking. We have continued to enhance the depth and sophistication of our content moderation to ensure compliance with our Terms of Service.

All our content moderators are trained to identify and swiftly report any suspected modern slavery including trafficking. Before content can appear on the platform, we inspect it to check whether the content is allowed.

Our trained moderators identify, and immediately escalate, any content which they suspect may be an indicator of modern slavery or human trafficking. We can review and remove any image or video shared on the platforms at any time.

Community Reporting. We have a contact form where anyone can share their concerns with us at any time. Any reports are reviewed and escalated when needed by our support staff.

Assist Law Enforcement. If Amigo Media identifies content which contains indicators of modern slavery or human trafficking, we immediately suspend the associated account and pass this information to law enforcement and non-governmental organizations to help identify the perpetrators.

Responsibility for this Statement

Our Leadership have overall responsibility for ensuring that all those under our control comply with this statement and our related policies. Management is responsible for ensuring employees understand this statement and comply with our anti- slavery and anti-trafficking policies and procedures.

This statement has been approved by the Board of Amigo Media AB

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